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Your Career
Leadership Portal

Navigate your career journey with confidence

Career Leadership is about creating perpetual fulfilment throughout a life-long journey of work. Kickstart your leadership development process in the classroom and continue to explore new career possibilities by engaging our world-class career development resources.

Navigate your career leadership with confidence and access world-class career development resources

About our resources

Attend events to find your next referral, start a conversation with a career coach, get 24/7 virtual CV and mock-interview assistance, get involved in your student or alumni community, and search the latest local and international job opportunities.

What our students and alumni say

“I was provided with reassurance and after my session I was encouraged to explore avenues I have not thought of, which was much needed ”
Rowena Plaatjies
Postgraduate Diploma Business Management & Administration, 2023
“I was provided with reassurance and after my session I was encouraged to explore avenues I have not thought of, which was much needed”
Rowena Plaatjies
Rowena Plaatjies
Postgraduate Diploma Business Management & Administration, 2023
“Coaching is incredibly helpful, especially with such a great team ”
Brad Hammond
MBA, 2021
“Coaching is incredibly helpful, especially with such a great team”
Brad Hammond
Brad Hammond
MBA, 2021
“The value from my sessions at the careers office is that it puts you on a path of self-discovery guiding you towards finding the right career. I did not feel that one minute was wasted and can definitely recommend this service to anybody that is interested to make a change or even just to check if what you are doing at the moment is where you should be ”
Drikus Hancke
Postgraduate Diploma Business Management & Administration, 2018
“The value from my sessions at the careers office is that it puts you on a path of self-discovery guiding you towards finding the right career. I did not feel that one minute was wasted and can definitely recommend this service to anybody that is interested to make a change or even just to check if what you are doing at the moment is where you should be”
Drikus Hancke
Drikus Hancke
Postgraduate Diploma Business Management & Administration, 2018

Stay in touch

Connect with us on social media for regular
career insights and industry updates.

You’re also welcome to contact us
directly if you have any questions.


How is my career development process managed?

Our Career Leadership Model structures your development process as you engage the resources on offer, helping you discover your passion and your next move. Personal and leadership development is a cornerstone of the academic offering at Stellenbosch Business School, and the career service aims to complement this offering by being available when you need it.

How can I expect to interact with potential employers?
You can expect to engage with employers on the portal, in person and virtually at recruitment events and career fairs, where you can learn more about the company; the industry/sectors they operate in; opportunities that exist and could be pursued, skills and qualifications required. These events are just some of the opportunities you’ll have for building your network.
Do you offer CV and Interview guidance?
The portal gives you access to virtual, 24/7 assistance in crafting a professional and impactful CV.
Will I be exposed to new business and entrepreneurial opportunities?
Our student and alumni community create conducive environments for building your network and generating new opportunities. These opportunities can be accessed during block weeks, through attending networking events, and making connections with the help of our platforms.
Do you have a mentorship programme?
Yes! We are proud to have 800+ mentors registered, ready to provide you with career and leadership guidance within the industry you’re in, or want to be in.